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Improve Water Quality with Lamnaflo
The unique design of the Lamnaflo Suction Flow Control System reduces water inflow velocities by evenly distributing the flow over a much larger area of the well.
What is Lamnaflo?
A Suction Flow Control System to Eliminate Sand Pumping in Water Wells
For New or Existing Wells
Municipal, Industrial, and Irrigation Wells
Requires no modification to your existing well
Adapts to either turbine or submersible pumps
Lamnaflo Benefits:
Product Info
Lamnaflo Suction Flow Control System
The unique design of the Lamnaflo Suction Flow Control System reduces water inflow velocities by evenly distributing the flow over a much larger area of the well. The slower moving water cannot pick up and carry sand into the pump intake and water distribution system. This eliminates problems normally created by sand intrusion. Water output rates are maintained at the pump's maximum GPM potential.
Increase Sand Free Water Output
The Lamnaflo Suction Flow Control System draws water from a significantly larger portion of the water producing zone of a well. This reduces water velocity, eliminates turbulent water flow, and produces a shallower "cone of depression" within the producing strata. The result is a dramatic reduction in drawdown. This allows more water production for a given drawdown. Also, at any given output, less work is required to lift the withdrawn water. This significantly increases the "wire to water" efficiency and overall productivity of the well. More water can be pumped from the well while at the same time reducing drawdown and permanently elimination sand-related problems.
Reduce Overall Operating Costs
Total well operating costs are reduced in two important areas. Eliminating sand in the withdrawn water reduces wear on the pump and other well equipment. Periodic maintenance and downstream problems are also substantially reduced. The Lamnaflo Suction Flow Control System increases pumping efficiency resulting in energy savings as high as 20%. Sand separators can be removed, saving as much as 10-psi pressure loss.
Well Without Lamnaflo System
Well With
Lamnaflo System
Extend Well Life
Problems such as sand blockage of the well screen, gravelpack settling and sand filling of the well are eliminated. The Lamnaflo System is not a filter and has no moving parts; therefore, it solves the problems associated with sand intrusion, improves pumping efficiency and increases well and equipment life without requiring any maintenance of its own.
Reduced Cost of Ownership
The elimination of sand wear on the pumping equipment will extend the pumps operational life cycle. In addition, the slow laminar flow from the formation will minimize any pressure drop as the water enters the well, reducing any precipitation of minerals, and extending the time between rehabilitations.